The modularity of this text lends itself well to updates and edits. Although humanistic psychology is covered in Chapter 11(Personality) on page 631 it comes much later in the text and is discussed in terms of personality theory development. The text and easy to understand and presented in a great manner. Each chapter is broken into several different sections, which could probably stand on their own (ie., an instructor could assign sections of a chapter, rather than the entire chapter). Information flowed logically regarding the order of the topics across chapters. I generally found the writing clarity to be adequate, although there were some areas that either didnt flow as well as other introductory texts or contained a basic explanation I did not find effective. Information around the fight or flight system and the brain processes involved in responding to threats was minimal and insufficient, again discussing differences between men and women in their biological arousal response systems, and without addressing the growing body of knowledge around activation of these processes. No note of any insensitive or offensive language/content in this text. Chapter 4: Sensation & Perception. The book's clarity is strong and well-designed. The organization is a significant positive feature of this book. The chapters are of adequate length and relates to life situations. The research and examples are relevant for undergraduates taking an introductory course. WebIntroduction to Research and the Psychology of Music - Jan 01 2022 What is known about music aptitude and music aptitude testing from the leading expert in the field, Edwin E. Gordon. Each chapter is internally consistent in terminology and framework, and the book is organized consistently. For example, on page 225, the paragraph introducing dementia and Alzheimers disease includes only a single citation, dated 1995. On-line versions of the text as noted here have a nicely laid out Table of Contents, the printed version or pdf version does not. Certainly this could be effectively used from a historical perspective, but the contextual language does not suggest that is the intent of using this article. Reviewed by Kathleen Cain, Professor of Psychology, Gettysburg College on 4/21/20, The book doesn't necessarily cover every conceivable topic in psychology, but it covers all of the main subfields in psychology and presents at least a few of the central findings, concepts, and theories in each subfield. Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. Chapter 6: States of Consciousness. 2. There is also a bit more depth than many books provide about psychological research, which I personally love about this book, but which may not work for every student audience. It can be difficult to find someone you trust during traumatic or uncertain times in your life. The author uses language and jargon that is accessible to most undergraduates. In Top Hats textbook, psychology extends beyond the page with interactive demonstrations, auto-graded drawing questions and real world examples. The book is written in an engaging manner; difficult concepts are balanced with engaging examples from lived experience. In the section on intelligence, the author mentions variation among US racial and ethnic groups in IQ scores, but offers only a superficial explanation of why these differences exist. As stated above, this text is very clear and easy to understand. I also had student complaints about not having page numbers when needed for a citation. For example, the War of the Ghosts example on page 23 is used to illustrate Bartletts research on the cognitive and social processes of remembering. Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. A more contemporary viewpoint is "nature through nurture" which would be exemplified by the inclusion of a discussion on epigenetics. The sections seem appropriate in length to serve as standalone units. WebIntroduction to Psychology. The first several chapters are presented in a logical fashion. Each chapter/section starts with learning objectives and ends with critical thinking exercises. In particular additional content on student/worker motivation, health psychology and stress incorporating student examples would be useful. Authors: Meaghan Altman (UC Merced) et al. I was shocked at the depth of material and the quality of engagement for also having short and brief chapters - this I think will go a long way with students who are just being introduced to the field of psychology. Time passes quickly and with the digital speed of changing, few things can remain relevant for long periods of time. When moving from DSM-IV to DSM-V the Axes system was eliminated yet the text still spends ample time explaining this old diagnostic system. My only criticism of the interface was that there were no page numbers within the body of the book. The author wrote this book to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Stress is included in the No interface issues. Information provided was generally accurate however I took issue with the overuse of the word psychologist in a particular chapter in that the term was applied to non-psycholoigsts. I love the use of videos to illustrate course material. The latest reviewed version was checked on 26 February 2021.There are template/file changes awaiting review. Although it is helpful to see italicized words in the body of the text, bolded words draw student's attention to the importance of these concepts. I could not find any grammar or spelling errors. There is limited discussion on disorders unique to different cultures (i.e., phobias), disorders more predominantly found in certain cultures et cetera. Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model). However, it is inaccurate regarding representing an Introductory to Psychology textbook. As with any introductory psychological textbook, the author typically demonstrates the greatest conceptual accuracy and strength in their own content area (social psychology, in this instance). There were no obvious errors that were detected. However, I would use only some of the content in this textbook as This is always the first chapter I teach so that students can begin to practice a more healthy lifestyle and learn how to manage stress and anxiety. Some figure headings were not close to the actual figure in the PDF version. Chapter 1: The Origins of Psychology. Additionally, some of the information in tables or figures could be better expressed. Perhaps this comment is better suited in the interface answer. It maintains the consistency and the flow throughout the book. Since most of our students are not psychology majors, texts oriented towards giving a student an adequate primer of the field are preferred. The questions for critical thinking facilitated active learning of what was discussed in the chapter. Content was error-free and without clear bias. Chapter organization is well replicated across the textbook and appears in a similar sequence as other introductory texts. read more. I like the depth of the information and how it is displayed. Frankly, I think the author does a superb job at addressing the heart of the theoretical matter. Overall, I think the scope of this text was adequate for an introduction to psychology course, though I'm not sure how much updating has occurred since it was distributed in 2010. Mangal 2009 Human behaviour is quite complex. Similarly, chapter summaries that include a list of key terms covered within a chapter have been very helpful to introductory psychology students. Psychology matters because it helps us understand behavior and that our knowledge of psychology is The discussion on the DSM (and associated Figure 12.6, and Table 12.3) needs to be updated to the DSM-V (see also criteria for ADHD in box at beginning of Chapter 13). Reviewed by Colette Jacquot, Adjunct Professor, University of Texas at Arlington on 3/4/20, I was hoping I could adopt this textbook for my classes because I realize how expensive books are and the tremendous stress that this expense alone can place on my students. read more. In the hard copy and downloaded pfd/Word copies I noted many that the Psychology in Everyday Life sections were written in a smaller font and subsequently not as easy to read. In particular, an unusually low statistic of LGBTQ individuals was provided at one point and it was unclear where this information was drawn from. WebAn Introduction To Psychology - S.K. I have seen textbooks with more The book covers in great detail all of the chapters that would appear in a typical introduction to psychology textbook, with the exception of a chapter on stress and coping. iii) At the end of Section 11.1, the author states that "there is evidence that the Big Five factors are not exactly the same across all cultures" but he doesn't elaborate on these differences. There was very little discussion of the importance of oppression, discrimination, power, and privilege related to human behavior and research. The textbook is quite research-oriented. The examples provided seem to be relevant and compelling. The active/present tense phrasing of this definition, in my opinion, is more dynamic. Chapter 8: The "semantic network model" was discussed somewhat but not labeled as such. Free shipping for many products! I would include more female psychologists and their work. The coverage on drugs and addiction was inclusive of updated research that goes against our prior understanding of the impacts of illicit drugs; I was happy to read this inclusion. I think this text meets that goal. Content generally builds upon less complicated content to more complex theories and findings. Even though the text is a bit outdated (2010), there are ample opportunities to include culture and diversity. When images arent small and left justified, they are very large images of prominent psychologists which Im not sure are helpful or necessary (size, not overall inclusion). It is very reader-friendly and easy to navigate. The statement that "Most Psychologists go into research" does not seem accurate. The writing style aims for a literate audience and in that sense may challenge students who need simpler prose and multiple real life examples to make concepts clear. The Preface and Approach and Pedagogy sections of this text do a good job of declaring the focus on both human behaviour and empiricism and how this focus limits coverage of topics found in many other introductory textbooks. There were links provided throughout the text; however, I was unsuccessful in getting these links to work and so I cannot report on the usefulness or appropriateness of these learning supplements. The text is written and arranged in a user friendly manner so that a freshman could quite easily read and comprehend the material. It can be difficult to find someone you trust during traumatic or uncertain times in your life. Free shipping for many products! Additionally, the inclusion of video clips and other ancillary material varies across chapters, with some having a lot of embedded resources while others have relatively few. Class discussions can easily be formed. For key terms, it might be helpful to have an index or a glossary for each chapter. Table of Contents. We are now in the DSM-V where we do not have an Axis classification system. Students face various difficulties in their learning environments and need tools to handle such challenges. I do like how Chapters 1 and 2 give separate attention to the history of psychology and the scientific method (my current textbook combines the two). A student who reads this book may be less likely to be overwhelmed with information, but at the same would be able to grasp a clear sense of general issues, research issues, and research findings in each topic. The translation of the text and visuals was good. Journalism, Media Studies & Communications, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Chapter 12: Defining Psychological Disorders, Chapter 13: Treating Psychological Disorders, Chapter 14: Psychology in Our Social Lives. Several areas lack depth, which is understandable for an introductory text, but many also seem to lack cultural breadth and Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. Psychology is a popular major for students, a popular topic in the public media, and a part of our everyday lives. The critical thinking questions at the end of the sections are helpful in addressing this focus. ; are our personalities evident in our online spaces , like facebook?). General psychology textbooks tend to be a bit culturally neutral, however there could be added cultural implications to the topics. Reviewed by Jennifer Poole, Chair, Department of Psychology, Langara College on 10/9/13, In the author's preface, he states that the typical length of introductory psychology textbooks serves as a detriment to student learning. Web"Feeling comfortable and safe with a therapist is an important part of beginning the healing process. LGBTQ individuals were referred to as "homosexuals" which is outdated and offensive to many. According to the introduction, the author has focused intentionally on presenting topics in a way that leaves students with a sense of coherence about the field rather than with a set of random facts. For example, as a cognitive psychologist, there were some concepts within the learning and memory chapters that I would generally explain differently to students to increase clarity. The homunculus would be a better visual. Very interesting. In fact, I cannot say enough about the books organization. The prenatal development section briefly covered environmental contributions to birth defects and harmful developmental impacts, including only a sentence or two on the damage of various substances. A table with examples of circadian rhythms throughout the day would be helpful. The adaption focused on revising the book to make it relevant for Canadian post-secondary students. WebLet us know. First, the Social chapter tackles classic experiments well (e.g., Milgram, Asch, Zimbardo, Sherif) and social influence but fails to address other central topics, such as sexism, ageism, heterosexism, and others. The focus is on the American population. There is no mention of the role that discrimination plays in perpetuating some of these differences. The book starts with an introductory chapter that includes the definition of psychology, as well as an interestingly-written history of psychology. read more. The written text is lucid and easy to understand. The textbook meets this element very well. Unit 2: Understanding and Using Principles of Memory, Thinking, and Learning. The discussion of Vygtosky's sociohistorical theory also lacks depth. The writing style and reading level of this text would be accessible to most first year college students. The author wrote this book to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. The structure of each section lends itself to a good dialogue of the material. In the spirit of simplification and parsimony, the author omits some information that better shows the complexity and nuance of some of the phenomenon. I like the depth of the information and how it is displayed. This was very well written; there were no grammatical errors that I observed. I think there is opportunity for the author to point out cultural differences in the presence of some of the more common psychological disorders. The content does not differ from introductory concepts in psychology. On a positive note there were no issues with cultural insensitivity either. Each chapter consists of four to five logically-flowing sections, which, among other things, makes this textbook available as a brief version for those interested in less coverage. As the topic of health and stress is very important in interesting for the young population. The author appears to have set up a predictable cadence to each chapter beginning with learning outcomes, chapter content, and ending with a synopsis of key points. From what I read, the textbook seems accurate as far as its content. Students also benefit from being exposed to many different texts on a variety of subjects that are interesting and relevant to them personally. WebTop 10 Introductory Psychology Textbooks. I would recommend adding in a banner above each chapter number for visual interest. My preference would be to move the social psychology chapter (Stangor's Chapter 14) to follow the personality chapter (Stangor Chapter 11), rather than having social psychology last in this text. The chapter discussing intelligence appeared slightly biased; while reviewing the differences in intelligence between men and women and different races, there was more heavy material presented to support these differences in IQ being partially based in genetics, without a discussion around how social norms and environmental factors also come into play when looking at the findings around differences between social groups and intelligence. WebIntroduction to Psychology. The text presents some recent research in the area of neuroscience but it needs more, otherwise it risks becoming obsolete in the next few years. 10 but other topics in that chapter on Emotion and Motivation are not covered as a result). Bronfenbrenner, 2004) (i.e., Gerrig, Zimbardo, Desmarais, & Ivanco, 2010). read more. Each chapter covers one subfield of psychology (e.g, developmental, cognitive) and in turn is divided into several subsections of several pages each. Some may be psychology majors, however most will not. Module 2: How Psychologists Know What They Know. The text was consistent in its presentation of information regarding formatting, depth, and use of real life and research related examples. This book covers all the chapters needed to give students an understanding of psychology. The text and easy to understand and presented in a great manner. For instance, the application in Chapter 7 on Development, What makes good parents applies the concepts of parenting styles in a mini-handbook about parenting, and the application in Chapter 3 is about the difficulties that left-handed people face performing everyday tasks in a right-handed world. II. While I assigned the entire chapter as reading, I planned my activities and assignments to include a graded item from each of the sections. The author's approach to relevant topical areas is an overarching one. The latest reviewed version was checked on 26 February 2021.There are template/file changes awaiting review. I noted some issues with image consistency within a chapter. Chapter 5: Learning & Behavior. The progression of chapters followed a logical order from a learning and instructing point of view. This made it very difficult to help students navigate to a certain page for information. Some of the content of this text is out-of-date. The chapters are broken down in a fashion which are easy to read and create lectures. The other examples were from Canada and Australia. Reviewed by Troy Ertelt, Instructor, Lake Superior College on 5/21/18, Provides comprehensive coverage At times, the figure heading would appear at the bottom of the page while the figure itself would be on the following page by itself (leaving 3/4's of the page blank). The author did an excellent job of breaking down the pieces and including the relevant parts. He also seems to mention Freud a lot (end of section 1.1, Ch. It seemed an instructor could pick the most important sections and exclude those that were less relevant without any problems. Chapter 7: Memory. It can be difficult to find someone you trust during traumatic or uncertain times in your life. The language and picture examples make it very easy to read and understand. For example, in Chapter 12 - the social cultural influences provided are socioeconomic status, homelessness, abuse, and discrimination are all culturally specific. Success in interpersonal relations depends on a proper James Alcock and Stan Sadava have crafted a truly international social psychology book for the modern era. All American statistics would need to be replaced with Canadian ones (e.g., Table 12.1, Figure 13.2, etc.). At an undergraduate level, a strong focus on research can be intimidating and at times, confusing and frustrating. More critically, it is evident that this edition has not been updated to reflect changes in the DSM. One advantage of modularity is that is allows for a customized text, where an instructor could pull various sections of the text to create a customized textbook for students. Within Chapter 3, I feel like the material about how the brain is studied could be placed at the beginning of the chapter; where it is placed seems to disrupt the flow of the chapter, in my opinion. Here are a few of my thoughts on the comprehensiveness of each chapter: Chapter 1: Missing from the "Schools of Psychology" table: Biological, Humanistic, Positive Psychology, and Evolutionary Psychology. Some concepts are discussed but terminology related to those concepts are not mentioned, such as sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations, and myoclonic jerk. The Science and Psychology of Music - Jun 25 2021 This book provides a broad introduction to the scientific and psychological Chapter 2: The Methods of Psychology. I love the organization of this text. Also the font in a number of the Figures is too small to read (for example, Fig. The content is very well written and have clarity. In particular, I appreciated this author's approach to human development, which tends to be a content heavy area. Specifically, it is organized differently from any other psychology textbook I have seen. Two examples would be Marcias theory of identity in Chapter 6 which is presented as a table but would work better as a matrix and Figure 3.11 which demonstrates that bodily regions that require greater motor control are afforded more space on the motor cortex. faculty in more Five or ten years from now, he does not expect his students to remember the details of most of what he teaches them. One of the strengths of the text is its modularity. The material seems to be accurately conveyed, again, on a level commensurate with leading intro textbooks. It definitely provides an accurate overview of the field. I would include a chart on the various careers in Psychology since young people are exploring job options. Check the book out online or order your desk copy today. Including this in the printed copy would be helpful to students in order to navigate the material. Sign in 4. WebYou can download the PDF using the following link: Introduction to Psychology PDF (14.7 MB) To share these files with your students, copy and paste the text and download link above into a page or announcement in your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.). Taking Growing and Developing as an example, the author does not address the full bio-psycho-social nature of development across the life course, skips over middle childhood, and misses key theories such as Brofenbrenners ecological systems theory and Carstensens selectivity theory in later life. I have seen textbooks with more chapters that may perhaps also be more comprehensive, but may also be overwhelming to get through in a traditional 16 week course. Although the author states (in the Preface) that the text contains a marginal glossary of key terms, I could not find such a glossary. WebTwo unique approaches from award-winning authors engage students in the science of being human Engage your students in the science of being human with one of these two unique texts from award-winning authors. At various places in the text the references seem outdated (e.g. There are 14 chapters in total giving a vi) Research presented on causal attributions in Chapter 14 is only true for individuals in individualistic cultures. Certainly 21st century psychology is represented effectively in the book, too, so it's not just a book on the history of psych by any means. I particularly liked the way that it described key research and illustrated research findings with graphs and other images. This text could easily be subdivided into smaller reading sections instructors could assign particular sections within a chapter. The latest reviewed version was checked on 26 February 2021.There are template/file changes awaiting review. University of Minnesota, 330 Wulling Hall, 86 Pleasant Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455, Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The beginning of the chapter presents clear learning objectives, which serve as an expectational guide, and ends with a summary of key points to consider. Table of Contents. I have reviewed a number of intro textbooks in developing the curriculum for a dual enrollment psychology course. 1.5, 2.2, 3.17, 4.29, 5.9, 9.4, 10.4, 10.6, 10.8, 13.7, 14.9, 14.13, 14.15). The book seems to be organized in a fashion so that the content can be updated quite easily when needed. Student's are fascinated by these topics and it is very relevant to their developmental processes. Social cognition should also be presented earlier, perhaps after Learning and Remembering and Judging.. In the PDF version across the textbook and appears in a fashion so that a freshman could easily! Banner above each chapter number for visual interest stated above, this text is out-of-date of changing few. Might be helpful to have an index or a glossary for each chapter number for visual interest i. 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