Most are not in full control of themselves due to being evil not by choice but instead being victims of forces beyond their control. Motivated by his desire to impose order on the galaxy, he has a tragic backstory that adds depth and complexity to his character. Some of these villains can even be anti-villains and/or remorseful, or even Villains by Proxy. Dndspeak is dedicated to providing you with all of the tabletop gaming inspiration you could ever want. Sophocles was known for developing his characters more than other contemporary playwrights, leading to works such as, Euripides: c 480 BC to c. 406 BC. Each time he refused, but he did so more and more hesitantly each time. Medea stands out from other examples of tragedy as the titular character does not fit the tragic hero trope. Dramatic Farce Characteristics & Examples | What is Dramatic Farce? Two-Fact has a sad backstory as he wasn't always evil like other Batman villains. Type above and press Enter to search. Hurt would be putting it quite lightly. When examining any text through the lens of the genre of tragedy, the first question to consider is who the protagonist or the tragic hero is. being a mix of good and evil, the role of the tragic villain or opponent, who directly affects the The villain is a member of a larger organization. That is untiljudge Turpin used his position and power to have Barker imprisoned on a false charge. Sadly, the coin is now a harbinger of doom for many people in Gotham City. Jagi, Joker, Zhan Tiri, Chairman Drek, Commodus, Queen Ingrith and SCP-5045-1). He is incredibly intelligent and manipulative, with a twisted sense of humor that makes him even more unsettling. Here are 20 villains with the most tragic backstories. Freeze is nearly a villain of Shakespearian scale. "The Shakespearean Tragic Hero" by A.C. Bradley Characteristics of the Shakespearean Tragic Hero 1. A malicious, deceptive and bitter usurper who seizes England's throne by nefarious means, Shakespeare's Richard takes delight in his own villainy. In fact, the word "tragedy" only gained its implication of sorrowful events in the 15th centurybefore that, it solely referred to plays and poems with intentionally unhappy resolutions. Recently, whatever they used for a prison is starting to crack. The flight-suit is cool, but there are easier ways to protest. The villain collects art. Introduction to Gerard Manley Hopkins: Devout Catholicism and Sprung Rhythm, Analyzing British Drama: Techniques & Plays, What is Melodrama? Whatever business or trade they work at is not paying the bills. A particular Deconstruction of the villain, a Tragic Villain is completely aware of their evil but takes little to no pleasure from it; in fact, they could very well resent the evil they are committing. From Grendel to Darth Vader to Hannibal Lecter to the Klingons of Star Trek, a well-written villain can captivate audiences. Chekhov strove to make his dialogue conversational and believable. A villain can be abstract. He's sympathetic, but that doesn't make him right. Have some tissues ready, things are going to get emotional as we discuss 20 tragic villains' backstories. Born Max Eisenhardt, Magneto suffered at the hands of Nazi oppressors as a young man and even survived imprisonment in the Treblinka experimentation camp. Once their organization grew past a certain size, it got out of their control. She is motivated by a desire for power and to protect her family, at the expense of anyone who opposes her. Christopher Marlowe was inspired to write his tragic play "Dr. Faustus" from the Germanic tale of a magician who travelled from town to town, performing magic to the public. Jafar is the classic power-hungry advisor archetype, seeking to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world and take over Agrabah. "Two of a Kind" by writer/artist Bruce Timm feels like a more adult episode ofBatman: The Animated Series, especially in how it portrays Two Face. The villain was wronged early in the party's adventure. Not enough to quit being villainous, but still tries to make the confrontations as genial as possible. Once the comedic Mr. Iago from Othello is the classic manipulative villain archetype, a deceitful and cunning character who seeks to destroy the title character. Even if a Pure Evil villain was given reasons for what they were doing that could genuinely be considered a tragedy, their actions FAR OUTWEIGH their tragedies (e.g. The villain is a disguised impostor, having replaced the actual creator of the villainous organization. Iago is the tragic villain of the play. This villain is lustful, and surrounds themselves with concubines. He grew up on a crapsack planet called Nostramo, which was so bad that. His hatred for those who persecute the differently gifted is justifiable, but his methods of conquest are unashamedly evil. In his quest to explore the wonders of the mind, he invented an eerie hypnotic device. She uses her power as his caretaker to control and manipulate him along with drugs and restraints to keep him captive. In Arkham Asylum, Dr. Ruth Adams has taken away Two-Face's coin, replacing it with tarot cards. Whatever the reason, there are some villains that really do break our hearts, and we can't help but notice that. And you can only push someone so far before they break.Sue Snell giving a testimony of how Carrie White was bullied into madness. Now they must save the world from you. The villain is a patsy. King Lear's downfall occurs when he starts going crazy because he gets kicked out of both Goneril and Regan's castle. While being logical and level headed on time, he bursts out in pain and acts illogically and seems unrecognizable at best. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Compared to some other evil scientists in his field, he's only asking for respect and control of the Tri-State area. Catharsis: Examples | What is Catharsis in Literature? prosperity and happiness of the hero to the tragic end, the way that language is used to heighten the tragedy. Abandoned by his creator and socially shunned for his ugliness, the creature has little love for humanity because he has been left entirely alone. The war he waged turned the Imperium into a dystopian nightmare of cosmic proportions, and it was exactly the future he wanted to avert. Possessing the same supernatural powers as Norman, Aggie is tried and prosecuted as a witch for speaking to her mother's ghost. He is a skilled strategist, manipulator, and believer in the power of the dark side of the Force. A spectacular space-opera likeStar Wars needs a tragic villain like Vader. Freeze, as it is one of the most tragic falls from grace in comic book history. Batman: Why Two-Face Should Be The Next Major Villain In Infinite Frontier (& Why Hugo Strange Should Instead), 5 Batman Villains We Want to See In Live-Action (& 5 We Don't), the story "Two Faces of Evil" pitted Two-Face against then Teen Titans member Cyborg, Harvey's motivation is to prove that he and Cyborg aren't so different, Batman: Robin's 8 Best Costumes in Live Action, Nightwing has outright stated that he doesn't see what Batman sees, 10 Most Unlikely Friendships In Batman Comics, Two-Face's origin story is up there with the likes of Mr. The villain is obsessed with destroying the current world so they can start over. who suffers and causes suffering to others and in all texts there is an interplay This villain has a remarkable scar, mutation or other noteworthy feature that feels unnatural. They are basically being used like a puppet by the artifact. They want to remake the world into a better place. Anton Chekhov was a Russian playwright, satirist, journalist, and doctor whose realistic approach to characters made his plays stand out, among other qualities. Judge Claude Frollo, Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear, Koba, Miss Gribben, Commander Rourke, Ahmanet, Captain Vidal and Griffith). He is motivated by a desire for immortality and a thirst for power, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Despite his impressive theatrical repertoire, including plays such as, Sophocles: c. 497 to c. 405 BC. For yet another comedic villain with a dark and tragic backstory, we need look no further than the land of Oo. two year course. In the film, Maleficent has her beautiful wings cut off as she sleeps in a stupor. The long history of tragedy plays effectively granted the word its modern meaning. He was a radical and dangerous foe for the titular Black Panther, but he's one Marvel villain that's heavily grounded outside the movie screen. 'The Eve of St. Agnes', We do not expect to change texts within the first five years of the A lonely wretch named Jervis Tetch was a scientist for Wayne industries who was fascinated with unlocking the brain's full potential. When his wife is killed out of revenge by an Irish gangster, it's kind of his fault, making his scarring feel like less of an injustice. Juliet's father has set up a marriage between her and a different man, whom she does not love. A Pure Evil villain is not meant to be sympathized with for anything and even if they had an experience that might actually be a genuine tragedy, their villainies are so egregious to the point that whatever tragedies they may have suffered in the past are no longer relevant and they do not match up with their crimes or motives even if in the rare case some Pure Evils are written to be seen as tragic (e.g. The villain is secretly working for some greater good, hoping by their deeds to find, trap, and destroy other villains. She had hopes and she had fears, and we pushed her. He has land and position which give him economic and political power. The villain believes they are born of a god, and that their divine parents will recognize them and unveil their currently-hidden divine nature once they have proven their worth. This character will usually suffer greatly and fail as a result of their own flaws. Lunatic: Just plain crazy, this villain may not have any real motivation but the crazy conspiracies he or she "sees." Her intention is for him to learn to make his own choices, but instead he can't choose anything, essentially being stripped of his ability to make choices. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar presents a stark contrast to the plays above: the primary tragic figure in Julius Caesar is, in fact, Caesar's friend Brutus. Harvey's scarring would play havoc onhisalready fragile sanity, causing him to begin a life of crime. The villain obeys the law. Learn the definition of tragedy in literature and see examples that convey the characteristics of tragedy. Freeze in Batman: The Animated Series. ultimately how the tragedy affects the audience, acting as a The criteria for changing texts will be where a text becomes As strange as it might sound, the world of fiction has actually seen an increase in villains and antiheroes that don't garner as much disdain as one would expect. This villain is mentally aging backwards. Roark Wilson is an aspiring young teacher with a Bachelor of Arts from Sewanee: The University of the South and a Master of Studies in eighteenth-century literature from the University of Oxford. This villain is obsessed with perfection. The character of Two Face's split nature makes him capable of being either sympathetic or absolutely terrible. The Emperor denouncing that faith, destroying the greatest city built to his name, and forcing Lorgar and his Legion to bow before the very destroyers of said city while chastising him for his need to devote himself to a higher power practically broke him. He's been a slave, lost his mother and his wife, lost limbs, been burned alive, and all while being brainwashed and manipulated by Palpatine. He assumes the name Scar, as a reminder of his arrogance. Annie Wilkes is the classic deranged fan archetype, obsessed with her favorite author, Paul Sheldon. Humanity will suffer with me, driven to villainy due to circumstances beyond their control. The villain finds it incredibly cathartic to break society, a person's life, or the economy as if they were the contents of a rage room. chaos and affecting the lives of others, the significance of violence and revenge, humour and moments of Jason is a vengeful spirit driven by the cruelty of camp counselors. He is unabashed in his evil motives, shamelessly proclaiming in his famous "Now is the winter of our discontent" speech: "I am determined to prove a villain". His actions throughout cause destruction and tragedy. While some of the Fallen continue their war against the Imperium, some have realised their mistake and are now on the run. Overlaps with Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds when their destruction is a result of the extreme mistreatment they have endured: alternately, Love Makes You Evil, where a character acts in a villainous way because they lost someone or something they loved, or simply never had anyone love them to start with. A stop-motion film about a kid who can talk to ghosts, what's not to love? The villain has a surprising hobby, like coin collecting or pottery. 13 chapters | He is motivated by a desire for revenge and a thirst for power, using his intelligence and cunning to gain the upper hand. When a series of murders match up with Two Face's M.O, Batman suspects his old friend may have turned heel once more. Trying to affect change, but being kept in line by otherworldly forces or a curse. Why would Two-Face do this? After he's defeated and learns that his plan wouldn't have worked anyway, he pulls a, Syphile Val'Sarghress is the first antagonist of the. Here, 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci' may be the most straightforward to read. Most of Chekhov's plays are intentionally quiet and understated, relying on very calm and subtle movements to express his themes. The villain is obsessed with (destroying, enslaving) their own kind. The villain is a (fallen, expelled) member of a group whose original purpose was to protect the realm. Jason's inability to appreciate what he has leads to him losing everything, while Medea's unrestricted hunger for vengeance leads her to murder her own children toin her own wordsstrip her own life of happiness in order to do the same to Jason. While there were certainly others, very few Greek dramas have survived the ages, and each of these three men had stellar records amongst the prestigious state-sponsored theatrical competitions in Athens. In the end, it's revealed that the killer is the new Tally Man, but Dent's mind is so broken by the ordeal that he re-scars himself. The villain gained power by performing a ritual to capture a greater being and steal its power. In the show, Dracula's wife is burned as a witch while he is away from the castle. While Romeo and Juliet's deaths are caused by a series of terrible decisions on both of their parts, those decisions were generally based on external pressures from their families and poor advice from friends. These concubines can be hostages or bodyguards. Ibsen's works are credited for sparking a modernist movement in theater with his early focus on the surreal and later focus on social critiques and nascent problem plays. No wonder he was one of the first Primarchs to rebel against his "father". Being a tragic villain is a sympathetic quality and any character or even a hero are allowed to sympathize with those types of villains, no matter the lines they cross. copyright 2003-2023 Lamia, Isabella or The Pot of Basil, La Belle Dame The villain is barely clinging to life. Ahmanet, Tom Cooper, Both versions of Scar, Syndrome, Professor Zndapp, Sir Miles Axlerod, Piella Bakewell, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Mysterio, Henry Evans, General Lunaris, Andross, Richard III, Howard Payne, and Jill Roberts). They dress like a druid, and fashion their house and home in nature-themed dcor. A well-written antagonist can drive the plot forward, challenge the hero, and keep readers engaged. He's doing it all for Nora, not for personal gain. The Tragic Hero is born into nobility or maintains a high social status. Way to go, Netflix. Sometimes she's sympathetic, sometimes she's downright pitiful, but either way, she can still make mayhem with her mind. The Knight Templar is quite frequently portrayed as this; given that many of them are meant to mirror real-life figures. | Melodrama Examples in Theatre. This villain keenly mourns the loss of a dear loved one, and all of their villainous actions are directed toward the goal of memorializing that person. With his wife poisoned and daughter under the judge's thumb, he becomes Sweeney Todd and seeks violent vengeance on those who wronged him. We know what you're thinking, what makes him so tragic? These events wouldexplain why Dick is resistant to entertain the idea of Harvey being redeemed. His rational argument is overturned by a friend loyal to Caesar who whips up the crowd's emotions, causing Brutus to be run out of Rome, eventually dying by his own hand. Despite a plethora of omens and auguries pointing toward Caesar's death, Caesar ignores them and ends up victim to the successful murder plot. A former black-ops soldier turned deadly assassin, Erik Stevens turned several heads when he premiered in 2018'sBlack Panther. He is denied basic companionship and sympathies from the people he encounters but gains sympathy from us. Either their so-called tragedies would have to be extremely and outrageously logic-defying to even be realistic, or they would simply use it to justify their evil actions and nothing more. Instead of being a vengeful scientist, he is a blue-collar salvage worker laid off thanks to Stark's damage control crew. Some villainslike Batman's nemesis Joker and The Wizard of Oz 's Wicked Witch of the Westeven get their own stories told from their point of view. In The New 52, Harvey Dent was a shifty lawyer who used criminal tactics to ensure justice was served. Nothing anyone can do can show them otherwise. Some tragic features will be more in evidence in some texts than in others and students will need . He is intelligent and manipulative, with a deep knowledge of crime and the criminal underworld. They are actually just some poor explorer that picked up a cursed artifact. Please enable JavaScript. Gargoyleswas one of the jewels of Disney animation, essentially the studio's answer to Batman: The Animated Series. Mr. They don't have a scar on their body due to constant magical healing. had done absolutely nothing to deserve their fates, stop their evil ways, have others accept them and move on from the experiences they suffered in their past, Abomination (I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse), Absorbing Man (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. However, Shakespeare prints three possible motives into the play that present him as tragic. Villains who although acting for evil, selfish or unethical goals have understandable and traumatic reasons that serve as a Freudian excuse, mitigating factor and/or redeeming quality for their motives and purposes; hence audiences can sympathize and connect with them on a human level. Growing up in an abusive household, Harvey Dent's mentally unstable father would beat him depending on the result of a coin toss. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is one of his most famous romances. Prince Hans, Dabi, Penguin and Petyr Baelish). To better understand the Villain archetype, lets take a look at some examples from popular culture. Some of his most memorable plays include. Or maybe a hero was forced to commit a necessary evil, and occasionally any kind of villainy against their will, and never forgave themselves, deciding they were now a villain beyond hope/not deserving of salvation or redemption, possibly becoming a Death Seeker in the process. As much as life has just kneed him in the solar plexus, we can't help but want to throw him a bone every once in a while. He embodies the traits of a classic psychopath, including a lack of empathy, charm, and superficial charm. 2. What do you want from me? Mason Verger) and some have faked at least one tragedy (e.g. In Aristotle's essay the Poetics, he describes the tragic hero as a person more noble than evil, whose fortunes go from good to bad, someone with a character flaw that leads to his downfall. Unlike Batman, who thinks there is still a chance to save Harvey,Nightwing has outright stated that he doesn't see what Batman sees. They dont take anything too seriously. Though his reasoning was noble, his method was far less so, with the character being two-faced long before he was Two-Face. Though he's very tragic, he's also shown himself to be a monster. A villain is defined as an evil or wicked character that enacts evil action and/or harms others. He uses his powers of persuasion to turn others against each other. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He is like us, but as Butcher points out, raised above the ordinary level by a deeper vein of feeling, or heightened powers of intellect or will. Killmonger wanted Wakanda's weapons to end the injustices done to people of African descent. They should go under the Envious and/or Vengeful categories instead. and folly, their blindness and insight, their discovery and learning, their Tragic heroes typically have heroic traits that earn them the sympathy of the audience, but also have flaws or make mistakes that ultimately lead to their own downfall. Here are some tips for creating a compelling antagonist: The villain archetype is a crucial component of any great story. The villain is obsessed with a hobby completely unrelated to their villainous goals. The villain keeps turning up somewhere else after the PCs kill them. He grew to be fueled by envy and pride, and the rest is history. A particular Deconstruction of the villain, a Tragic Villain is completely aware of their evil but takes little to no pleasure from it; in fact, they could very well resent the evil they are committing. The villain is a glutton, and is always seen either with some food or drink on their person. He is motivated by a desire to maintain control and order within the Matrix, at the expense of human freedom. : being Faux Affably Evil, having racial or xenophobic views, destroying their own innocence or even having a misanthropic nature and/or being genocidal or cataclysmic). In contrast, the anti-hero is the character readers root for, even though they're flawed and possess some less-than-noble qualities. Modern tragedy is closely-associated with the naturalist movement, which was a nineteenth and early-twentieth-century response to the previous Victorian optimism and idealism. Whether they're on the screen, the stage, the page, or the panel, the world certainly has no shortage of heroes and villains. Chilling in more ways than one, Ice King's tragedy remains one of the most adult narrativesever seen in a cartoon. He's lost so much on his rise to power, that he essentially seals his fraction of humanity away behind a cybernetic shell. Not everyone chooses to be a villain, sometimes it's out of necessity, other times it's to right a wrong done to them, and then sometimes it's a general grey area. Movies, tv shows, comic books, and video games are what he considers his wheelhouse. The White Witch is the classic dark sorceress archetype, an evil ruler of Narnia who seeks to maintain her grip on the land through fear and intimidation. On the result of characteristics of a tragic villain group whose original purpose was to protect the realm challenge hero! A cybernetic shell, his method was far less so, with the character two-faced! Heighten the tragedy prints three possible motives into the play that present him as tragic from other examples tragedy. A classic psychopath, including a lack of empathy, charm, video. 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