12:45 p.m.: Audience Q&A. Pitty the animals who are not being helped,and the people who give money to charity scams. You should be prosecuted for stealing. The numbers reported in the post are the numbers the ASPCA submitted to the IRS. I agree that the commercials are absolutely far to many back to back. How is that when the ty left 10% on the table. Pay people to get donations to pay even more people. I was going to donate again but decided to do some research on where the money received is spent. I am going to share this horror story with everyone I know. Ive had several adopted dogs since, including my current pair: five-year-old Tarzan from a rescue in Texas, and three-year-old Loki, a service dog dropout from Missouri. Dont enable others to fix the problems for your communities as they see fit, with your money, while they exploit your sympathy. Those images stayed with me. You should all rot in a very hot spot for the money you rip off from the caring public and STEAL from the animals. 16. Before joining the ASPCA in 2001, Matt worked for ICF Consulting and organizations including Share Our Strength. Please take those commercials off. I was going to make my donation of $20 a month but after reading the article of where the money goes in the animals are still not taking care of Ive decided not to do it. That increase in interest and activity is very good news for shelters, animals, and communities. They disgust me beyond words. Will have to think hard before I done the monies I planned. !when the ceo/president is pulling in $530,000.00 a year and my local animal shelter does not get a dime i really wonder who should be pissed!!! Attend Town Hall meetings and hold local officials accountable. Reduce Shelter INTAKE; 4. Greed at the expense of animal safety . Greedy Ba___rds! Im watching television and 7 commercial for a 1 hour show from the ASPCA. Liabilities totaled $27 million, $14 million of which is deterrent rent, annuity obligations, and unfunded pension obligations. Im totally disgusted with all of you in upper management,! Consider the source. Drive apace out of business. A lifelong animal lover, Mr. Bershadker joined the nation's first animal welfare organization in 2001, serving previously as Senior Vice President of the ASPCA Anti-Cruelty Group, the division responsible for programs that confront animal cruelty and suffering across the country. In 2019, the ASPCA's CEO Matt Bershadker made more than $840,000. And, contrary to your statement that vegans are from another planet, they are, in fact, trying to save this planet from people like yourself. This is why we provided $5 million in grant funding to help shelter and rescue organizations cover operating and program expenses and receive capacity support. If donors are giving funds to an organization expecting something different, it's setting the stage for problems.". I am ashamed the way the specs handles the money that is donated to them in name of the animals. According to its own 2017 survey, ASPCA said 84% of its donors also donated to a local animal charity. Of course they also ask for donations, which I will not be giving. From my pocket to theirs. I would love to see all these lying, scamming criminals in jail and some decent people take over these organizations. If you want to donate contact your local shelter. thats about what gos to the animals fat cat CEOs and 27,000 vice presidents and all their other employees bring in over 300 million a year , do your homework on charities that can afford commercials like this ASPCA its big money scams!!!! Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. This is reprehensible the C level people should be ashamed of themselves this only demonstrates how corrupt and greedy some humans are. I know it costs money to run any organization, TV ads cost a good deal of money. "In our minds, the more money we could raise, the more animals we could help. I dont know where you got your 82% figure from but my info differs! They were given two reasons. They are horrible. What a scam!!! They need to be put out of business. i will go to my local shelter and donate there. It says the remaining $148 million is tied up in fixed assets, restricted donations and multiyear pledges. Matthew E. Bershadker was named president and CEO of American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in May 2013 [1] and serves on the Global Animal Partnership 's Board of Directors. Our review process. Matt Bershadker President and CEO, ASPCA Published May 27, 2020 + Follow If your family is among the more than 50 million American households with pets, you know first-hand what a source of. treatment hotline: Talking with Matt Bershadker, President and CEO of the ASPCA, Julie Morris Shelter Medicine Residency Program, showed that more than 4.2 million pets were at risk of entering poverty, housing crisis resulting from the pandemic, 2023 American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Wow, I wanted to donate to rescue animals and once I read where the money goes,I will donate somewhere else. One way the ASPCA gets donors to add to its list is through hiring third party contractors to canvas, or solicit donations, in front of stores or in public places. Imagine what a real animal rescue operation could do with $200,000,000.00 dollars a year The HSUS is no better nor is PETA .. Theyre all corporate rescues that spend the bulk of the money on advertisement and personel salaries -pension funds and employee benefits. The money people donate IS FOR THE ANIMALS!!!!! An informational website that covers food, innovative products, books, culture, education, travel, and life experiences. This is totally disgusting and as heartbreaking as their commercials. There must be qualified people that would do it for much less! 23 key executives were given $6 million in compensation (although $416,660 were severance payments to two former employees and $191,66 was for consulting services for the former President and CEO): $538,057: Mathew Bershadker, President and CEO. While yall asses sit up there gat a big wallets.yall are all sorry as hell, ASPCA is losing donations because of these crazy salaries shame on you for not using more of the money for these poor animals instead of greedy CEOs. No begging allowed in my world. "It is frustrating on this side of the table to realize that a bulk of our time and our staff time is spent trying to explain the difference between national and local," Sullivan said. Do yourself a favor, READ THE ACTUAL SCIENCE (PubMed and http://www.nutritionfacts.org) and dont rely on the uneducated and misinformed idiots making you tube videos as your education source. More and more animal control agencies understand and embrace the idea that keeping pets safely at home and out of shelters is a primary goal. Privacy Policy Legal Info, Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company. I agree with you. The staff was dedicated, but they simply didnt have the resources they needed to place more of their dogs and cats into loving homes. Located in Weaverville, North Carolina, the Center is the first-ever facility dedicated to providing behavioral rehabilitation to canine victims of cruelty and neglect. Given to the CEO not including other employees. Chief executive Matthew Bershadker took home $966,004 in pay for the year, including $856,673 from the ASPCA itself and $109,331 from ASPCA subsidiaries--which most donors would consider an excellent annual income by itself. I THOUGHT THE ANIMALS WERE THE FIRST PRIORITY NOT LINING YOUR POCKETS WITH ALL THE MONEY. You Will Reap What You Sew. 424 EAST 92ND STREET, NEW YORK, NY 101286804 www.aspca.org Total Revenue $279,048,974 Total Expenses $250,628,436 Net Assets $340,007,209 Organizations Filed Purposes: THE ASPCA WAS FOUNDED ON THE BELIEF THAT ANIMALS ARE ENTITLED TO KIND AND RESPECTFUL TREATMENT AT THE HANDS OF HUMANS AND MUST BE PROTECTED UNDER THE LAW. "I wish that they could do some soul searching within the organization and understand that their massive efforts to draw support from around the country to support their own efforts and the issues that they wish to focus on, does hinder the ability for local organizations like ourselves to do the good work that we do. Its sad knowing that you can sleep knowing that only less than a quarter on 1% even goes to the cause. I used to donate monthly to the ASPCA until I found out how much goes to the animals. Avril Benoit - $117,622 (Executive Director) - Weekly Salary $ 2262. In 2020, under Matts leadership, the ASPCA launched a series of programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on pets, owners, and communities. "The A.S.P.C.A. Patti Mercer who runs the Houston SPCA says she believes that type of fundraising could be deceiving donors, when those canvassers are set up in communities, like hers, where the ASPCA doesn't offer local services. To read more about these topics, see below: https://paddockpost.com/2017/09/12/why-the-big-picture-matters/, https://paddockpost.com/2016/01/08/carnism-and-melanie-joy/, https://paddockpost.com/2015/02/11/the-omnivores-dilemma/, https://paddockpost.com/2014/12/09/how-to-reverse-californias-drought/, https://paddockpost.com/2014/09/06/cowspiracy-the-sustainability-secret/. that is very alarming that so little goes to the welfare of the animal and so much goes to the managements wallets. The ASPCA says the vast majority of donor dollars go directly toward its mission, but a CBS News investigation found there are questions about whether the money is going where donors expect. Today's guest post is written by Matt Bershadker, President and CEO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), which celebrated its 150th Birthday in 2016. You people are batdhit crazy. This crap should be against the law. their always saying they need 3000 new donors every few weeks or so. What good are they if realistically nobody or no animals or few, are actually getting any of the money? I CAN SEE THAT JUST SMALL AMOUNT IS USED FOR THE ANIMALS. When the CEO, big shots make $41,000 out of the total/ get back to me. Cold hearted personal who use television to pull heart strings is a crime..I pray God bless the animals harmed by their deception., they are just as guilty as the dog fighters and puppy mill operators. This is redicious. The 990 shows the recipient of all grants over $5,000. I did call them after they charged me the second time, and they put a block on it, but apparently the ASPCA has several different sites or offices from which they can bill, so they went out of their way to push the charges through that way. The $6 million in compensation provided to 23 key employees (of which more than $600,000 was for severance packages to two former employees and consulting services for the past President) and more than $500,000 to the President and CEO is notable (although one key staff person is a veterinarian). You people are slime. Click on Executive Compensation at the ASPCA (2019) for more information. What fakes! 2021 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. According to tax returns, ASPCA CEO Matthew Bershadker received $852,231 in 2019 and the ASPCA had over $20 million in offshore accounts! I already do a monthly check of $ 200 to the local animal shelter but thought this ASPCA deserved some help also . I would never donate to a charity like this! Not to mention the high amount of money to other paid employees and severance packages of other multiple former employees. There is a special place in hell for people who use other peoples generosity, humanity, and guilt to make themselves rich. Why would anyone running a rescue be paid over a half million dollars is something I cannot understand. UNACCEPTABLE! Those videos they show in the commercials are real. According to tax returns, ASPCA CEO Matthew Bershadker received $852,231 in 2019 and the ASPCA had over $20 million in offshore accounts! Thank you. "If the donors feel that there's an urgent need, and they must donate today so that they can meet that urgent need, and the organization isn't exhibiting that urgency, that's again, where a disconnect can cause a problem.".

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