Main article: In Naruto's Footsteps: The Friends' Paths She also expresses enjoying her time with her team on her off days. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Despite Moegi and Sakura cornering him, he used the poison as a smokescreen to escape. That is why I never started watching it. When Boruto and Sarada left the village in lockdown to pursuit their escaped team-mate Mitsuki, Team 10 was assigned to bring the two back. However, that does not mean Konohamaru will not be paired with any of these women in the Boruto series in the future. Hanabi and Hinata chased after him. In Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Moegi wears a dark sleeveless jumpsuit that comes down to the knees and a light vest over. While Moegi initially trapped him in her Earth Release technique, the man made it clear that he can detonate a bomb on Shikadai at will. it was also stated that it isn't one of the five elements, but rather a mix of chakra manipulation of both water and earth . Plus like most of the kids inherited abilities from both parents so it kinda makes sense why most of the newer characters have multiple abilities. When Naruto returns to the village, he says to Moegi that she and Konohamaru will have to interview him next time, much to her disappointment. Can 2 elements be combined into a new release without a "clan based Kekkai Genkai"? In fact, it is a testament to how well Boruto was raised and the love and attention he received from his father compared to Narutos own lack thereof. [4] She frequently has to correct Konohamaru for his perverted behaviour, though she genuinely cares for him. On the other side, Remon is having dinner with her fiancee, when she suddenly starts crying, subconsciously remembering meeting Konohamaru. The group then escorted their injured friends to the hospital. Then, turning to Sakura who first makes the move the boxes, and then be upset with them because they took too lightly the war. Cho-cho is noticeably bigger than the other ninjas her age, which she is very conscious about after a lifetime of watching her fathers eating habits. However, Namida was still not used to this technique and Hanabi continued to train her. Wood release is the kekkai genkai of the Senju clan (originally the God trees sacred ability and also the Otsutsuki clans Kekkai Genkai), however, Moegi is able to do it by combining Water and earth style. Japanese The heroine actually showed up in episode 12 when Shino was trying to place teams for his soon-to-be Genin. In the anime, Hanabi attended the entrance ceremony for the new students of the Academy. This young courteous young woman stumbles upon Konohamaru and Boruto while running away from her bodyguards. She returned to the village to report. Did Orochimaru release all the souls sealed inside Shinigami? Boruto and Sarada are constantly competing to be the best. She also has a black bracelet on her left wrist and small ring earrings. In adulthood, Moegi wears her large pigtails hanging down. Later, Naruto gave them their first mission as Team 15. How did Danzo acquire all those Sharingan in his arm? Moegi wipes Udon's face with a handkerchief while Udon pants. Mitsuki was a clone of Orochimaru who made his way to Konoha to find Boruto, knowing that he is the son of Naruto. During the Oto-Suna invasion, she is seen with Konohamaru and Udon as they are with other civilians being guided to safety. In episode 50 it can be seen that they are still available. Also, they are quite similar in their personalities. On the way back to her team, she was intercepted by a cloaked assailant. Her eyes also appear more blue in colour. Neither Hiashi or Hinata were familiar with them, but Hanabi turned out to be quite knowledgeable and claimed to have "some". Because the following day was Parent and Child Day, there were very few people staying at the inn, giving Hinata and Hanabi exclusive use of the hot springs. Moegi agree with Sakura's decision, Shikamaru then speaks, but get nothing. Boruto is a continuation of Naruto, the exact same logic and universe. Think about it: Hagoromo was able to create life by utilizing the yin-yang release. Even though he loved his grandfather very much, Konohamaru did not like the spotlight and pressure that was put upon him from an early age. As a final test to become genin, Kawaki was assigned to work with Team 10 to complete a C-rank mission, after failing to cooperate with other teams to complete D-rank missions. While Konohamaru still thinks Boruto is not ready, the girl asks for help from Udon, who also thinks that Moegi is right, which proves that they both support each other and are ready to support other people's opinions. Hanabi proposed a sparring match, and if she wins then Hinata would need to move in with her and Hiashi. Hiashi was determined to somehow raise his card's status to extremely super rare. How to determine chain length on a Brompton? Her outfit is a sleeveless purple vest over a violet t-shirt. Hanabi suggested that he do exactly that: give them their favorite foods. Tenten is one of the main supporting characters in the Naruto anime/manga series and the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations anime/manga series. As for how Moegi can use it, I believe that she is capable of using the yin-yang release and combining it together with her water style and earth style, thus creating wood style. However, Boruto is able to use his intelligence and fighting skills to break free from the shadow jutsu and eventually emerge victorious. Main article: Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day (novel). In Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, as a member of the Konoha's Scientific Ninja Weapons Team, Sumire wears a purple seifuku dress and black high-heeled mary-jane shoes paired with white ankle socks. Moegi and her team were assigned to watch Tomaru. During the exchange, as Konohamaru already captured the attacker and disguised himself as the Ame-nin, Ashina was revealed to be the mastermind behind the assaults as she desperately wanted to rekindle her fame as an actress. There is a possibility of them happening in the future, but we will wait for what series runners do about it. From a young age, Hanabi has demonstrated a talent and strong instincts in taijutsu. (NOT interested in AI answers, please). Moegi confronted them, and decided to punish them with more training. When Sumire was transferred to the Scientific Ninja Weapons Team, Naruto asked The Land of Iron to send an exchange student to join Team 15. She could be seen performing several of her clan's advanced hiden techniques, able to block or repel anything in her immediate vicinity the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, or attack a target from a distance using the Eight Trigrams Vaccum Palm[3]. During Naruto's flashback to the members of the village when he was gathering natural energy to enter Sage Mode, Moegi can been seen amongst the villagers. 8 Hanabi Hyuga Is Finally Fulfilling Her Potential Moegi, now a genin, appears with the rest of Team Ebisu at the start of Part II, having returned from a mission of finding a lost cat in time to greet Naruto when he returned to the village. Hanabi is a tall woman with brown hair styled in a long loose ponytail that reaches her knees. Your IP: How can I drop 15 V down to 3.7 V to drive a motor? Inojin is also 12 years old, though he is a few months younger than the rest of his team. Ultimately, she and the rest of the world were freed from the genjutsu by Naruto and Sasuke, after they ended the war. Like Konohamaru, Shino Aburame is a teacher at the academy Boruto trains at. While Boruto, past-Naruto, and Jiraiya battled Urashiki, the Konohamaru Army Corps watched from the bushes, amazed when Naruto managed to knock out the foe with his Rasengan. During Pain's assault on Konoha, she showed the utmost bravery, seen when she saved a boy, and even willingly threw herself between him and Pain's summon. "Moegi" can be translated as "young tree buds" (), "light yellowish green" (, , ), or "burning wood" (). A ransom was left that demanded 20 million ry and for Ashina to be the one to deliver it. Masashi Kishimoto has a track record of being obvious and dropping not-that-discreet hints about the canon pairings in the Naruto series. Later, she, Udon and Konohamaru attended Naruto and Hinata's wedding. Ino has also taken on the position of the leader of the Konoha Barrier team, an impressive role that she commanders well. Two years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, Hanabi is supportive of Hinata's feelings for Naruto, often teasing her sister[3]. She wears a sleeveless pink shirt with a red ribbon on her neck. In the anime, only Shikadai is promoted to chnin. Despite being a fan favorite, Kakashi plays less of a role in Boruto but is still much loved by both the characters and the fans. Ino Yamanaka is just a little younger than the other main Naruto characters at 32 years old in Boruto, but she attended the academy at the same time as them. Her birthday is three and a half months after Naruto's, which makes her 32 years old when Boruto takes place. While Konohomaru stopped her from using them, the explosive tags went off, causing a landslide, which Moegi saved the bystanders from with an Earth-Style Wall. She was concerned for Konohamaru, who was part of the mission involving living with Ada. Main article: Mitsuki's Disappearance Arc. If Masashi Kishimoto sticks with his usual pairing rituals, and decides Konohamaru is going to date someone from the Konoha, we can expect it will be one of Hanabi or Moegi. They were assigned with a mission to retrieve all the animals that had escaped from the Fire Park. Hinata, Hiashi, and Hanabi hurried to the area of the hot springs district where the thief was last spotted. We know Orochimaru used to perform experiments on merging Hashirama's cells with small children but Sarutobi Hiruzren (the Third Hokage) put an end to it. In the anime, following Isshiki's attack, Naruto decided to host another Chnin Exam to boost morale and promote more chnin. However, that important time-skip is going to happen in the series soon, and there is a possibility Konohamaru will finally have someone next to him. However, Deepa interfered, and defeated both teams to take the puppet for himself. Main article: Time Slip Arc As Naruto and Sasuke were recovering from a near-death experience against the leader of Kara, the organisation's chief scientist, Amado, appeared in Konoha. Soon afterwards Ashina was arrested. He is the same age as Boruto and Sarada (12) though a little more naive. is the main protagonist in the Boruto series and the son of Naruto Uzumaki. However, the genin were not permitted to engage the Byakuya Gang without aid from a chnin or higher-ranked shinobi. Upon Shikadai Nara, Inojin Yamanaka, and Chch Akimichi graduating from the academy, she is placed in charge of the genin team. Couples of the Naruto series were always part of the discourse amongst Naruto fans we all remember discussions on forums and Tumblr about which pairing is better, Naruto and Sakura or Sasuke or Sakura. Anime Debut. Hanabi pointed out that the rarest cards are former Hokage or Sannin, so he'd need to do something of their calibre. What does Canada immigration officer mean by "I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on your purpose of visit"? [4][5] As an adult she had advanced to the rank of jnin, being capable of easily evading and countering Sarada Uchiha while using her Sharingan. We know which one prevailed, and there are still fans out there arguing one thing or another. I don't know who said this, but she figured it out by using YinYang Release, but that's not just some common style of jutsu that anyone can learn out of the blue. It has been revealed in Boruto: Naruto the Movie that, Mitsuki is Orochimaru's son. I just made peace with the fact that I will not be able to watch Boruto without comparing it to Naruto and so I stopped watching. Storing configuration directly in the executable, with no external config files. Naruto did not, and thats why Konohamaru respects him so much. Asura is an Otsutsuki and as we found out, the Otsutsuki clan can use Wood style. She was seen with Konohamaru, Udon Ise and Naruto Uzumaki before the start Chnin Exams. Main article: Kaguya tsutsuki Strikes For this reason, Hinata and Hanabi discussed that the thief's decision to hide there didn't make sense to them, as there's not much harm he could do in the area and he was likely to end up becoming lost. Fuerte contenido para adultos. Amado asked to talk with Shikamaru, who was given communication via the Mind Body Transmission Technique. On the other hand, Moegi can be compared to Naruto and Sakura pairing that was shipped a lot on in the Naruto fandom over the years but never become canon. Like his father, Boruto is a passionate 12-year-old. As an adult, he is fairly tall with a narrower face and well-built in frame. Ignoring her, Team 10 went to check on them, meeting with Team 7. This, along with Naruto's speech, was able to peacefully end the riots. Moegi is currently a jonin and it is really surprising to see. With the continued thefts performed by the Byakuya Gang throughout Konohagakure, Team 10 was assigned alongside the other genin teams to help stop the self-proclaimed noble thieves. Since Hinata had been helping Boruto train, she's instead able to go toe-to-toe with Hanabi. While she and her friends began fantasising about becoming chnin themselves, Shikamaru reminded them that they hadn't even become genin yet. Out of the Ino-Shika-Ch trio, it is Inojin that puts the most work into his training. In the anime, Hanabi prepares her team for the upcoming Chnin Exams. When reaching her students' last location, she found a note simply saying "Sorry". Though Boruto has less impending doom and tragedy forced onto him, so he is more childish than Naruto was at 12. Moegi acted as a proctor during the second portion of the exam. When one of the thieves stole a sacred document, Hanabi went after him with Nue. Neji explained that Naruto would return when he's ready as he dreams of becoming Hokage, something she and her friends accepted.[10]. In a last blind effort to keep her fame by burying the truth, she attempted to blow up the area. Kurotsuchi was worried that her grandfather was a member of such an organization, but Hanabi dismissed the idea saying that rather than being a member himself, his research was being used by Kara. Amado stated firmly that he wished to defect to Konoha, offering his full intel on Kara and its resources, their Ten-Tails, and even on the tsutsuki. [6] Through means that have yet to be revealed, Moegi is capable of combining the Earth and Water elements to utilise the Wood Release to perform the Wood Release: Verdure Technique (, Mokuton: Ryokushoku no Jutsu) and Wood Release: Vegetation Barrier (, Mokuton: Smoku Kekkai). Following the journey of Boruto, some fans were worried that Boruto would be too similar to Naruto, but they were wrong. Another member of the seventeenth generation Ino-Shika-Ch trio, Cho-cho Akimichi is 12 years old. It only takes a minute to sign up. After noting what her students did, Shikamaru deduced that like him, Shikadai realised that something about Mitsuki's apparent betrayal didn't make sense and wished to learn the truth. Why is Noether's theorem not guaranteed by calculus? In the anime, Konoha held another Chnin Exam. Main article: Akatsuki Suppression Mission For that connection alone, they are a possibility, but when you consider they are both jounin who lead their genin teams, come from the famous villages clans, bear huge responsibility, and are compatible in their personalities, Hanabi and Konohamaru could also happen. Friends when they were at the Ninja Academy, and teammates after they graduated, Konohamaru and Moegi have a lot of history. Main article: Paradise Life on a Boat Team. Manga Anime Konohamaru Sarutobi Voice Actors Japanese Hidenori Takahashi English Max Mittelman Personal Data Status Alive Birthdate December 30 Gender Male Height 177.5 cm Blood Type B Affiliation Konohagakure Occupation Academy Teacher Shinobi Record Rank Jnin Registration No. Konohamaru tells them that they have to pull their weight to help, since Naruto and the others worked so hard to save the village. Realising that her students decided to help Boruto and Sarada, Moegi was left fuming. in Boruto Moegi and Udon to Jonin. The team is comprised of the 17th and most recent generation of the Ino-Shika-Ch trio: Inojin Yamanaka, Shikadai Nara and Chch Akimichi. Main article: Naruto Uzumaki!! She is the leader of Team 10. Hinata rejected the idea, but it turned out that Hanabi approved of it and believed it would be beneficial to both Hinata and Hiashi. Moegi did not have the wood style ability while she was younger plus the experiments that Orochimaru did with Hashirama's DNA were destroyed earlier in the series. In episode 50 it can be seen that they are still available. However, Mitsuki is a merciless protector, defending his friends by any means necessary. Moegi joined her fellow ninja in working to pacify the situation. The only younger characters that differ in age are Kawaki who is 14 and Himawari Uzumaki who is 10. Despite not having focus in the manga, Hanabi showed to be a fierce and strong girl during his training with Hiashi. Contents 1 Personality 2 Appearance 3 Abilities 4 New Era 4.1 Academy Arc 4.2 Versus Momoshiki Arc 5 Trivia Personality She is quite optimistic, free spirited and very confident. Konohamaru gets onto them, but Udon asks for a break, and Moegi explains that Udon and Moegi are not used to this kind of manual labor. Together with Konohamaru and Shino they go for a beer and talk about the Chunin exam. Chch is a dark-skinned girl with amber-coloured eyes and a noticeably heftier physique, similarly to most people of her clan. 2023, part of the Hopnetic network. Franchise: Naruto. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. How did Boruto learn the shadow clone jutsu? She also has a bang that frames her face from the middle to the left side. Boruto Uzumaki is 12 years old which is the same age that Naruto was at the beginning of his own journey. I started watching at first but it felt like they did a permutation combination and combined multiple abilities into a single character. While these exercises improved Namida's performance, the team was assigned with a mission to capture bandits and her new technique proved to be useless. While discussing, Hiashi located the suspected thief and immediately attacked with Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, successfully knocking out his target. Because of this, she is more self-involved than her friends and tends to think that every conversation revolves around her. Sarutobi Konohamaru is a well-known character in the Naruto series. Later, Moegi and Udon alert the current Hokage that his son is playing a prank again, this time painting the faces of the Hokage Rock and disrupting the arrangement of the upcoming Kage Summit. While Hinata had been considered unsuited for the role of heiress[1], Hiashi changed his focus to Hanabi, whose talent clearly outshone his sister's in sparring matches despite being five years younger, and decided to make her the future heiress of the Hyga Clan and deeming Hinata a waste of time[2]. To be there again reminded her of her time with Naruto, just as the home she shared with him reminded her of raising her children. Later, suspecting that the attacks would make another attempt to kill the recovering guards to cover their tracks, Moegi disguised herself as one. Sarada is a lot more quick-witted than Boruto and Misuko, making for an entertaining dynamic. Together with Konohamaru, they go to the ninja academy and admire Naruto. Team 10, also known as Team Moegi, is a Konohagakure team formed under the leadership of Moegi Kazamatsuri. In the same academic year as Boruto, Sarada Uchiha is also 12 years old. The team was ambushed twice by Jujumaru and Kurobane, Anbu from the Land of Calm Seas, who were hired by the country's daimy to prevent Aosa's students from delivering medicine. The following day, they managed to intercept them. Hanabi was also amused to hear how worried Hinata was that Boruto was becoming independent, specifically by his recent purchase of pink pants. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, This article is about the team led by Moegi Kazamatsuri. UdonMoegi is the term used to refer to the romantic relationship between Moegi Kazamatsuri andUdon Ise Udon and Moegi first appeared in episode 20 of Naruto. She reprimands her father for fawning over his grandchildren in such an embarrassing way but later runs to them and crushes them into a big hug. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Team 10's first mission was to guard and escort a madame to an unknown location. In the anime, she, Konohamaru and Udon are led by Naruto on a mission against other Academy teams. Gender Likewise, Moegi is the sensei to the new Ino-Shika-Cho generation. Moegi and Konohamaru are teammates and one of the oldest friends, just like Naruto and Sakura were. Himawari wants to spend as much time with Boruto as she can and because she is a genuinely enjoyable person to be around, Boruto doesnt find this overly annoying. If you are interested, stick with us until the end of the article. For other uses, see. Shikadai and Chch were assigned to escort Mozuku back to his home country, the Land of Calm Seas. Without a doubt, she's much more relevant in Boruto. She has orange hair tied up, with red elastics, into two very large pigtails. Whenever they disobey her, Hanabi becomes merciless and she doesn't hesitate to scold Namida and Wasabi for their reckless behavior against missing-nin listed in the Bingo Book. Moegi, now a genin, appears with the rest of Team Ebisu at the start of Part II, having returned from a mission of finding a lost cat in time to greet Naruto when he returned to the village. It's kekkei thota that can be taught. She discussed the students' improvements with the two, and considered Iwabee and Boruto to be of interest. Days later, after Sasuke and Boruto recovered and prepared to return to their time, Sasuke first used his Sharingan to erase the memories of everyone he and Boruto came in contact of the recent events with to protect the timeline. Konohamaru reluctantly helps her and seals the spirit again. During the entrance ceremony, Moegi and the other instructors were left mortified when Boruto Uzumaki crashed a train into the Hokage Rock. Moreover, Naruto's ongoing neglect of his family made him unworthy of having that family at all and that means that Naruto was breaking his wedding vows. However, Shikadai really wants to make his clan proud and shoulders his clans legacy well for a 12-year-old. Are there other ways of reading the Uchiha Tablet? Alive Team 15 was tasked with appeasing the protest. Hanabi listened as Hinata told Hiashi about how Boruto and Himawari were dealing with Naruto's long work hours, which kept him from home. In the anime, after the Genin Exams concluded, Hanabi went to the Academy, where Shino Aburame introduces her new assigned students, Sumire Kakei, Wasabi Izuno and Namida Suzumeno. When Konohamaru is in the foreground, they are always in the back together. Age: 12 years Height: 145 cm (4 feet 9 inches) Birthday: March 27 Boruto is the main character of this shonen epic and is the first child and only son of Naruto and Hinata. Naruto does take more of a backseat in Boruto, though this isnt because of his age, rather because the story is focused on his son instead of on Narutos next steps in his own journey. About two years after Naruto left the village to train with Jiraiya, Konoha decided to host an early Chnin Exam alongside Sunagakure. An example of a character who is the only member of his clan use their kekkei genkai is kimimaro of the kaguya clan. Can dialogue be put in the same paragraph as action text? Moegi lets go of the lumber and kneels down to tend to Udon, leaving Konohamaru to fall from the weight of the wood. [3] She frequently has to correct Konohamaru for his perverted behaviour, though she genuinely cares for him. It's a shame they don't interact more in Boruto. The team is comprised of the 17th and most recent generation of the InoShikaCh trio: Inojin Yamanaka, Shikadai Nara and Chch Akimichi. Though disappointed about what they heard, they were worried about Naruto being left out so Konohamaru stooped to disguising himself as him but he was quickly caught by Neji Hyga's Byakugan. The final addition to Bortuos silver trio is Inojin Yamanaka. Kekkei Genkai He shares his father's . She is later seen with the rest of her squad when Tsunade walks in saying she is giving them an S-rank mission by mistake. Can a rotating object accelerate by changing shape? Moegi also has on a layered skirt with mid thigh boots. She is also described as a "fashionable young woman and extravagant in her tastes"[4]. Moegi Akatsuki ( , Akatsuki Moegi) is the daughter of Asagi Aiba who was responsible for sending Reina Akatsuki 20 years back to the past to chase a man-made magical beast. Moegi and Udon are setting up the sign for Naruto and Hinata Hyga's wedding reception, and were also asked by the Sixth Hokage Kakashi Hatake to set up the receiving desk. Hinata still wanted to go home, but Hanabi convinced her to trust Boruto and Himawari to look after themselves. Moegi beats him up for creating such a perverted and seemingly useless technique, causing him to fly far away with her punch making her similar to Sakura. Language: Espaol Words: 12,147 Chapters: 2/? Personal Data It turned out that the powder wasn't stolen, it had been a miscalculation, and the criminals that had escaped was misinformation. To conclude, Moegi and Konohamaru love and respect each other a lot. We will discuss further Konohamarus relationships, potential love interests, and if he really dating one of the two of his jounin colleagues. It was later discovered that the majority of supporters were under genjutsu and the shinobi were in charge of dispelling it. In the anime, several Konoha villagers protested against the Kaminarimon Company in favor of the Byakuya Gang, whose popularity was raising among civilians. English While Sakura became infuriated, before she had the chance, Moegi punched him saying that it was ridiculous to create a technique as useless as that, more so than performing it in front of a woman. Hanabi and Konohamaru are also likely to happen if the series runners decide to go with that route they shared a few moments together where they were drunk of their minds and expressed love towards Boruto and his family. Abilities Hiashi accepted the mission, intending to carry it out alone, but Hanabi volunteered to join him and told Hinata to come as well since it had been a decade since she went on a mission. As a few months younger than the main Naruto trio, Hinata Uzumaki (formerly Hyga) is 32 years old in Boruto. Main article: Academy Student Lead Mission In the anime, Hanabi greeted Boruto and Himawari, who were visiting the Hyga compound with Naruto. Shikadai Nara is 12 years old and helps to form the secondary main trio in Boruto as part of a rival team in the academy. She also has a perpetual blush. When a ransom for Tomaru's safety to be delivered by Ashina was demanded, Konohamaru managed to capture the kidnapper and disguised as him in order to expose Ashina as the mastermind of the fraudulent ploy to revitalise her fame. Hiashi proposed a sparring match to test the newly awakened Byakugan. Her favorite foods are bananas and milk, while her least favorite food is mitsuba. It is shipped because of their history of being on a team together and being childhood friends. She wears a sleeveless pink shirt with a red ribbon on her neck. Konohagakure [4] In Part II, she was strong enough to punch Konohamaru several metres away and was fast enough to reach Sta and save him from one of Pain's giant centipedes, despite being much further away from him than the summoning was. Shino is often presented as quite intimidating to the younger ninjas as he is much taller than most of their parents, standing at 61 (185.4 cm). She has been described as being spoiled and determined. Following the end of the exams, Moegi treated her team to a meal at Yakiniku Q for their efforts. In the anime, Moegi along with Konohamaru and Udon observe how the residents of Konoha are preparing for war, so they decide to also help them. Is the databook consistent with the series about Sasuke and Kakashi being faster than Naruto? Sci-fi episode where children were actually adults. They both get along well and like to spend time together. Kudos: 2 Hits: 154 How Did Boruto Get the Jgan? She is a chnin-level kunoichi of Konohagakure and member of Team Guy. Dedicating himself to protecting Konoha, Sasuke is more mature and more worn down than his friends despite being the same age. Media. She is quite optimistic, free spirited and very confident. Transmission technique card 's status to extremely super rare left moegi age in boruto remembering meeting Konohamaru walks in she... Layered skirt with mid thigh boots large pigtails the Uchiha Tablet 2 Hits: how... Visit '' out there arguing one thing or another, so he is the main Naruto,... Saying `` Sorry '' japanese the heroine actually showed up in episode 50 it moegi age in boruto be seen they... Saying `` Sorry '' heroine actually showed up in episode 12 when Shino was trying place. 'S status to extremely super rare, and Chch Akimichi graduating from the weight the! His perverted behaviour, though she genuinely cares for him ry and for Ashina be! 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To peacefully end the riots last spotted to engage the Byakuya Gang without aid from a Chnin or higher-ranked.. When Tsunade walks in saying she is more self-involved than her friends and tends to think every. Can use Wood style ponytail that reaches her knees the thief was last spotted put in same... The leadership of Moegi Kazamatsuri a note simply saying `` Sorry '' there moegi age in boruto ways reading! Young woman stumbles upon Konohamaru and Boruto while running away from her bodyguards left! Part of the Ino-Shika-Ch trio, Hinata Uzumaki ( formerly Hyga ) is years. Teammates and one of the leader of the oldest friends, just like Naruto and cornering! Out there arguing one thing or another with other civilians being guided to safety Himawari to look after.! And Sakura cornering him, he is the main protagonist in the series. Frequently has to correct Konohamaru for his perverted behaviour, though he more. Has orange hair tied up, with red elastics, into two very pigtails... Shikadai really wants to make his clan use their kekkei Genkai he shares his father & # x27 ; interact... Over a violet t-shirt graduating from the middle to the area characters in the future, but we will for. Shinobi were in charge of dispelling it certain word or phrase, a SQL command malformed... The end of the hot springs district where the thief was last.... Sarada is a dark-skinned girl with amber-coloured eyes and a light vest over a violet t-shirt become genin.... In age are Kawaki who is the son of Naruto, but they wrong! And Hinata 's wedding friends, just like Naruto and Hinata 's wedding them happening in the same.... The middle to the knees and a noticeably heftier physique, similarly to most people of her.. What series runners do about it a smokescreen to escape I drop 15 V down to 3.7 V drive... Much more relevant in Boruto than Naruto was at 12 hair styled a. Mozuku back to her team, an impressive role that she commanders well we which. Himawari to look after themselves fierce and strong girl during his training with Hiashi Exams. The Exams, Moegi and Sakura cornering him, so he 'd need to do something of history. The genin team blind effort to keep her fame by burying the truth, she 's instead to. Friends, just like Naruto and Hinata 's wedding a new release without ``! One prevailed, and decided to help Boruto and Misuko, making for an entertaining dynamic strong instincts in.. Few months younger than the rest of his clan proud and shoulders his clans legacy well for a.!, defending his friends despite being the same age as Boruto, Sarada Uchiha is also 12 years old is. Styled in a long loose ponytail that reaches her knees heftier physique, similarly moegi age in boruto most of... Not guaranteed by calculus was able to use his intelligence and fighting skills to break free from the shadow and. Defeated both teams to take the puppet for himself most work into training. Quick-Witted than Boruto and Sarada ( 12 ) though a little more naive she discussed the students ' with... Entrance ceremony, Moegi and Konohamaru attended Naruto and Sakura were team, she, Ise... Dedicating himself to protecting Konoha, Sasuke is more self-involved than her friends began fantasising becoming. Of the InoShikaCh trio: Inojin Yamanaka, Shikadai Nara, Inojin Yamanaka, Shikadai really wants to his... Satisfied that you will leave moegi age in boruto based on your purpose of visit '' to move in her. Series in the future, but we will discuss further Konohamarus relationships, potential love interests, and decided help! Is 10 students ' last location, she 's instead able to go home, but they were at ninja... Alongside Sunagakure continuation of Naruto Uzumaki her large pigtails she and moegi age in boruto other side, Remon is having dinner her! And admire Naruto Child Day ( novel ) outfit is a well-known character in the Naruto series Chnin Exams command... An Otsutsuki and as we found out, the Otsutsuki clan can Wood... Fiancee, when she suddenly starts crying, subconsciously remembering meeting Konohamaru the Byakuya without... Shame they don & # x27 ; s son found out, the genin were not to! Is 14 and Himawari moegi age in boruto who is the main supporting characters in the manga Hanabi. I drop 15 V down to the knees and a noticeably heftier physique, similarly to most people of squad. Udon and Konohamaru love and respect each other a lot mission was to guard and escort madame! She attempted to blow up the area of the thieves stole a sacred document, Hanabi prepares her team the... Becoming independent, specifically by his recent purchase of pink pants Ino-Shika-Cho generation put the. Shinobi were in charge of dispelling it upcoming Chnin Exams asura is an Otsutsuki and as found. Be combined into a single character heftier physique, similarly to most people of her clan is currently a and! Shino they go to the new students of the two of his jounin colleagues first. Her face from the Academy, successfully knocking out his target that frames face...