Grabbing it triggers the arrival of imps and ticks. There's a dark hiding spot to the left of the weapon. Battle a couple imps ahead followed by some lost souls. Move through communications access (spot the commotion to your right) and defeat a couple guards: one in front another behind. Looks like someone screwed up an order. Use cautious when moving past this mechanism. Grab the items there before using the door on the left. Explore the left side for supplies, which triggers a couple imps. Move into the office on the right and use the console--which triggers the arrival of the demon. Go up and battle a cacodemon and more lost souls. Defeat the imp that leaps at you. Defeat it. Test chambers must be reserved prior to experimentation. Follow the hall to the reactor control room. Open the next door and shoot the lost souls. Approach the next storage area and back up when you hear the imp. It's much easier to dodge those projectiles at longer range. Here's a first look at the BFG 9000 in action. With the premium on ammunition, make your BFG shot count. Drop down the hole and use the door panel to open a new route. A Doom sequel just wouldn't be the same without the chainsaw. You don't have to use it immediately. There's a health station on the right, a video disk on the console, and Nick Sadowayj's PDA here too. An imp appears ahead of you. Don't let him get close! Help this poor guythough it is funny to not help him. You can detonate the BFG blast using your own weaponry--as you learned from the instructional video--and it's a wise tactic to avoid suffering damage from the flying BFG projectile. And if the green ball strikes, it inflicts even more damage. Grab some supplies from this storage area. Board the monorail and approach its controls. You'll spot some marines outside your position--probably the team you're trying to hook up with! The system is fully automated and personnel access is limited due to open machinery hazards. Turn around and grab the plasma inducer from the open server. Descend the ladder, kill another imp, and then ascend the stairs into the control room. Cautiously move inside until the imp drops down. The path to the right leads into security operations, where you'll encounter a couple guards and find some armor and health. Spot the cowering worker. Take cover behind a cover or other object and lure the soldier to your position. When the soul cube announces its availability, you don't have to use it immediately. Locate the vent on the right and crawl through. Battle three cacodemons. Blast him with your remaining chain gun rounds. Use the soul cube if possible. Enter the freight cart terminal. Be ready to take out a guard hiding in an alcove to the right ahead of you. Doom 3- Finding the main portal? Walk forward and use the health station on the left if necessary. He offers up his PDA, which includes security codes as well as an email referencing Quake 43. Have all identification and security clearance data prepared for inspection. Imps populate the area so be ready for a fight. Return up the lift. Battle the zombie then a leaping imp behind the next door. Go through the hall and leap over the floating blocks. Descend a ladder to go under the rail and find some ammo and supplies. Battle a couple cacodemons before leaping onto the girders ahead of you. Open the main door and proceed through. They move slow and most are only dangerous up close where the zombie can maul you with its brute melee strength. A code protects entry but you should have read about the code. A hell knight arrives from here; eliminate him with your plasma gun or shotgun at close-range. It possesses decent damage, rate of fire, and clip-size. Back up to the previous catwalk to face them one at a time. Return to the health station if necessary. Locate the freight loader control tower to unlock the entrance to the caverns. The audio log reveals the cabinet code: 752. Enter the conference room and defeat the two pistol guards. At the top, battle a large group of cacodemons. It can also be effective against enemies at long-range that can't reach you. Search the left corner for armor and ammo but beware of more zombies near here. Reach another elevator and use it to ascend to the second floor: delta authority. The prototype transfer platform is contained in the upper research hall. Another locked cabinet. Objective: Caverns Entrance. Open the door into central access and eliminate the imp, zombie on left, and soldier ahead. There's a half-full health station to the left. Ascend ramp and battle some cherubs near a health station and supply rack. Enter the lobby and speak with Counselor Shawn. Save your strongest weapon ammo (plasma, rockets, BFG) for the toughest enemies, especially bosses. Search the dark, red-lit hallway and find a chain gun at its end. Cross the room to the unlocked door. Maneuver through the slime and drop down onto the catwalk you crossed earlier. The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. Duck under the flames to grab the armor. Note moving there triggers a few more souls so dispatch them with the chainsaw or other weapon. The Edge 2 is a Doom 3 update of the popular Quake 2 deathmatch map Q2DM1 - The Edge. Return to the lift and descend to level two. Imps and soldiers spawn so be ready. The upper right alcove also contains a chainsaw. Find the airlock and return outside. Also, as is the rule with most combat situations, when you spot imps arriving in front of you expect there to be some arriving behind you. I've gotten to the decontamination chamber (the one that fails because theres some big lump of red mulch stuck before it) Any ideas? Enter the central pipes junction and face off against some imps, zombies, and revenants. Waste material from the MFS system is also processed here, and sent to the recycling plant for post-refinement and disposal. This section offers tips on combating Doom 3's enemies. Exit through the next hallway and into the EP control unit. It's dark and an imp duo (and some spiders) appear at the corner. Move through the door in the back--beware of another imp that appears behind you. Search PDAs for most of the corresponding codes (other codes may be found from speaking with non-player characters or even visiting a website). Maneuver around to the far door to initiate the cut scene. Defeat him with the plasma gun. I have to find the main Portal. Use the health station and gather the items from the room. Objective: Coolant Rod 2. Cross the bridge and shoot the soldier that enters from the front; turn around quickly to blast the imp. Defeat an imp and find the supply crates in the back corner. Go through the engineering door. The soul cube tells you when it can be used----after you've killed five demon enemies. Also be careful against enemies that leap at you, such as cherubs and ticks. As with most Doom 3 enemies, expect to face more than one cherub. Maneuver through the narrow hallway and watch out for the zombie on the right. Defeat the guards inside the lobby then move up to the console. Find the vent hatch in one of the side rooms. Finish off the lost souls with the chainsaw to conserve ammo. Drop down the other side. Slaughter them then use the health station on the left and grab armor from the back right corner. Personal data assistants are your primary source of information inside the huge UAC complex. Arm your best weapon (soul cube if available) and press the panel. The floor bursts open. Continue through the door ahead. Gather the ammo and armor from their location. As soon as you see the arch vile teleport into the room, use a plasma gun, rocket launcher, or even a chain gun to blast him. Drop both barrels to unlock the door. Ascend the stairs and defeat the imp and maggot quickly because there's a revenant that spawns behind you. Repeat by killing more seekers and blasting the guardian's blue orb again until the beast dies. Exit through the opposite door. Best PS5 Headset In 2023 - Top Options For PlayStation, Flashlight/Fists, Chainsaw, Pistol, and Shotgun, Machine Gun, Chain Gun, Plasma Gun, and Grenades, Wraith, Demon, Maggot, Revenant, Trite and Tick, Cherub, Lost Souls, Mancubus, Cacodemon, Arch Vile, and Hell Knight. Open the supply cabinet then use the computer to override the airlock. Kill the soldier that emerges. Cycle the chamber to unlock the door into chamber 1. Go to the level 3 access door and input the code 463. Like zombies, imps often hide in ambush points--in dark corners, behind hidden panels, and even at the entrance to new rooms. A revenant joins you at the top. Use the generator then the lift to move on. Apparently the UAC have an interest in gorillas. Enter the records office and slice up some zombies. The cacodemon resembles a floating demon head; it hovers high above and around you and launches a fireball from its mouth. This game guide covers everything you need to know to conquer id Software's latest creation. It leads to some ammo and armor--just watch your step. An imp also materializes behind you. Grab Steve Tooloose's PDA on the console and watch the BFG info video if you wish. You need a maintenance PDA to unlock the lift. If you charge the BFG, be very careful you don't overdo it or you'll all of the sudden be pieces on the floor. Following the reports that Ishii was last spotted in the old communications facility, Sergeant Thomas Kelly then assigns the player this assignment to locate Ishii there and bring him back unharmed. While you're bouncing around, the other trites and ticks are approaching lunge range. Defeat the zombies and imps that appear. As you work your way through maintenance 1, a large group of imps teleports in around you. Support it against the beasts you encounter. You enter the hydrogen condenser. A revenant guards the exit so be ready. Sometimes they appear from the same hiding spot and other times the cherubs may attempt to surround your position. Keep your eyes peeled for more baby faces before lettings your guard down. You can use the console on the right to backup files. Blast the enemies within the dark chamber. These zombies don't put up much of a fight. Of course both attacks are far more potent than the lowly imp. Dark hallways are usually bad news. For instance, use against an imp on a balcony or adjacent catwalk. Before returning to your new friend, return through the security and up the hazardous materials bin. Clear the level, grab supplies, and find another lift that takes you to the third level, routing. Lure enemies into a chokepoint, such as a narrow doorway, and toss a grenade to inflict explosive damage. Grab Mark Lamia's PDA off of the desk. You'll see several rotating platforms and a berserk power-up underneath them all. It's actually a formidable weapon, particularly against zombies and lost souls when you're trying to conserve ammunition. Find a shotgun and some armor in this alcove. There's also an imp to contend with at the bottom. Go up the stairs and blast the maggot and a guard before continuing on through the next door. Listen to the audio logs to receive a cabinet code: 123. Grab the ACO card from the desk. Proceed through. Open the door and kill the chainsaw zombie to the left. It's risky, though; if you miss, you're bound to be struck several times before you can regain your composure. Another guard emerges from in front of you. Go around the left side and investigate the offices for supplies. Retrieve the Data Linker to allow Delta Lab Control Access. Crawl through. Enter the security station. Open the locker using code 371. Look under the floor in delta authority systems to find some much needed armor. Return down and use the lift. A maggot's quickness is its strongest attribute. Locate the BFG just on the other side of the rocks near the very edge. In the next room, beware of the imp that pops out from under the stairs. Defeat the imps in the way and enter the door toward secondary levels access. Enter central maintenance but back out after triggering the monsters. Follow the sentry bot along the long route to the next lift. In this puzzle you must select a bin then use the mechanism to ride the bin to the hatch in the upper right. You can return to the infirmary area for health. Move down the hall and beware of another imp in a lab on the left side. You automatically approach reception and receive your personal data assistant (PDA). There are many zombies lurking about so be ready. Explore the area (some info to download and repair guys to annoy) before moving through the door into marine command. Head . The plot of the album continues the story started on Legend of Valley Doom Part 1.It was released on 30 November 2018, with cover art credited to Dusan Markovic. Defeat the four imps that arrive (one to the far right). Go into the blue light. Objective: Terminate Lockdown. You're now in the central access. A couple armed guards patrol the room. Start back toward the freight area. Extending the bridge means more fighting. There's also a rocket launcher and armor near a skeleton at the intersection. Kill it and reach the top. It's not alone. The smashing pillar is to your right. Imps ambush you in the next hall. If you're getting fade problems, go get a later version of GZDoom. Main Objective: Find the missing scientist. All items are processed and transported to Site 3 for evaluation and analysis. You can climb the ladder there but be prepared to battle another guard and a flying demon to get the armor there. Go through door at the top. It's also the room the berserk teleport transports you to. So it's important to prevent these creatures from getting close. Security. The chainsaw can grind up zombie flesh in remarkably quick fashion. Exit into the next hall. It's in your email--the soul cube. Research objects from the lower levels are analyzed and studied in this facility. There's also storage cabinet #666 here. Climb the ladder and speak with R. Roland. Eliminate them all. Several enemies spawn here so be ready to back up and tackle them in fewer numbers. Near the bottom of the path, take left at the fork and peek into the cave. In the next room, a cherub hides to the right. Face off against some imps and cacodemons. Grab more ammo and health from an opened alcove on the left. There's some cover there but it's well-lit. Aces can only be gained through the monorail of CPU complex. The PDA includes a cabinet code. When you spot the walkway above you, raise the lift and leap onto the catwalk. As you move ahead and toward the corner, an imp busts out of the wall. A few accurate machine gun bullets are enough to explode a lost soul. But certainly make efforts to use the frag chamber to your advantage. Enter the reactor room. Our Doom 3 walkthrough includes a full walkthrough and tips on every weapon, as well as lists of cheat codes, cabinet codes, and easter eggs. Eliminate the crazed patient and two subsequent guards. Pick up this PDA, which includes a web address for Martian Buddy. Back out and wait for the imp to move next to the barrel. At the end, grab the armor, health, and ammo from the right before leaping into the blue light. The audio log talks about the BFG-9000 in this guy's office. Continue to the end and enter storage area. After the scan, move into the departure lounge. There are several exits, both upper and lower floors, and on each side of the room. Crawl into the vent shaft and grab the armor. Cross through door 22. D3wasm is an experiment to port the id Tech 4 engine (aka. Activate the service lift to reach the lower levels of the caverns. Move into the EFR junction and go left. Clear the room before starting to search for supplies and clues. Defeat all creatures before the door unlocks. Recover the code to the plasma storage room by listening to Steve Hammer's audio log. But it is certainly powerful and as accurate as you are. You should recognize this place from when you moved above it. Approach the door into the data library. Don't turn corners or enter new rooms with just five bullets left in the clip. Find the ladder in a dark corner in the side hall. The maggot is a two-headed creature that looks like a cross between an imp and a wraith. Move into service room 1b and descend the staircase. Defeat it with your new rocket launcher. As you near the end of the cavern, an imp teleports in front of you and a hell knight emerges behind. Drop down onto the pipe that leads to the catwalk on the other side. But once you acquire the shotgun, the zombies become less threatening. Move past the corpse that held the data linker and enter the service hallway. Grab James Holiday's PDA from the ground; this triggers the arrival of the chainsaw-wielding zombie. The center structure provides good cover against this mancubus. Open with the code 364. Use the barrels as added explosive damage and enter the next door into the lower chamber. Defeat the emerging imp. As you step back out to the main lobby, two imps spawn before you can reach. You can go down the stairs and face a zombie (the door leads back to the lobby). Walk to the center of the room and look down. Doom 3 is a science fiction horror first-person shooter computer game developed by id Software and originally published by Activision.. Set on November 15 and 16, 2145 in the UAC research center on Mars, it is a re-imagining of the original Doom, with a completely new game engine and graphics. The Saboath is like one-third tank, one-third cyborg, and one-third BFG. It's a good place for the soul cube if you've been saving it up. Face two more imps. You'll battle several mancubuses in this underground cavern. Go inside the room and defeat the guard that appears. Continue through the next door to find the storage locker mentioned in the PDA. Approach the console and defeat the maggot. Now go to the other side to encounter the final boss. It'll backtrack to near the level's start position and usher you into maintenance. You're now in the old comm. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. You now have three. Pull the cargo toward you using the left buttons. As you back pedal around the area, watch out for maggots and imps that emerge from the fiery center. Crawl through the vent and drop out into the service tunnel. Unlock the communications area using this console. You'll initially encounter some lost souls. Point the chainsaw in front of you and grind the lost soul as it approaches. I'm running around in circles here!! Don't turn corners or enter new rooms with just five rounds left. By the time you can fire again, the cherub has reached your position and knocked you around with its lunge strike. Battle lost souls and imps and work to the right to find the next door. Obtain access codes for Lab A. Look in this alcove for a PDA and a storage cabinet. Revenants ambush you inside the hazardous material room. Use the lift. Kill it and any creature it spawns. Grab the armor, ammo, and chainsaw near him. Ticks and imps emerge from the next junction. In a room with pillars, it's easy to circle strafe around the cover and pelt the hell knight with shotgun blasts, chain gun rounds, or plasma bolts and slowly eliminate the beast. Grab the PDA off of the console to the left. The resulting blow knocks you around and can cause disorientation. This section provides the complete walkthrough for Doom 3's single-player game. Whatever it looks like, it's nasty. Destroy the windows with a weapon and jump to the chain gun to recover the weapon. Look for the passage under the floor and take it to a supply room with some armor and ammo. You can still rocket jump with Doom 3's rocket launcher. The trites and ticks are small spider-like creatures. Furthermore, the hell knight possesses much stronger skin; a single shotgun blast is what the hell knight calls a "tickle". When done, enter the bay door into the next level. Search the wall for an open vent and find a PDA inside; it's Tony Bates. Blast the imp, watch for the projectile arm motion begin, strafe to dodge the projectile, and then resume firing against the imp. Move inside the substation and restart the system. Beware of the imp that enters behind you. Open this heavy weapons locker to recover a rocket launcher. Make it quick! Proceed to storage first. At this point more imps and soldiers transport into the room. Take out another guard from long-range then a second that crawls from a hole near the console in the left corner. There's another exit out of this floor. Watch yourself around a room's dark corners where zombies like to hide and ambush. Search the shelves and corners for supplies then go up onto the opposite catwalk. You'll notice some familiar textures in this unusual arcade game. Crush the imp and demons waiting on the other side and proceed through. The z-sec soldiers frequently carry machine-guns and shotguns; the commandos attack with a close-to-medium range tentacle or a higher-powered chain gun. Approach the ladder at the end. To tackle the two hell knights, maneuver around then and force them to follow you around the lift station. Move along the curved catwalk and into the lift room. Go to the right and pick up Sam Harding's PDA. You'll face the Vagary at the end of Alpha Labs - Sector 4. Things get nasty quick when an arch vile and a couple hell knights appear. It's a relatively large target and can be taken down with the machine gun, chain gun, or plasma gun. Exit and go through the unlocked door on the right. The pillar drops down, which summons a mancubus to the right. Open the storage locker here with the code 102. You'll reach a balcony over the lobby. Pity we cannot have a game just basing on the common Doom 3 setup, though I understand the main strength of Doom 3 nowadays are mods and . Back into the corner and wait for him to enter the doorway. Speak with M. Ryan. Explore your PDA and read your emails and view the Marine Command Briefing video disk. Reach the console and use the computer to extend the service ladder. Keep your distance and dodge the projectiles. At closer range the machine gun is effective but not likely to kill something fast enough so you avoid suffering damage. Approach the PDA on the stone block and pick it up. Duck into the office on the right and use the console to unlock cargo lift controls. Open the lift exit using the console. it was discovered through research and UAC decided to explore the "other world" and bring back samples that prove humans weren't the only living things in the galaxy. Be ready with the plasma gun or the soul cube if it's active. There's a locked door here that can now be opened with the security clearance. Use the console to unlock the door and release the bridge. Look for opportunities to shoot an explosive barrel to cause blast damage against nearby foes. There's also a Martian Buddy crate in here. Provides all weapons will full ammo, armor, and health. Contents [ hide ] 1 Summary 1.1 Objectives 2 Characters 3 PDAs 4 Statistics 4.1 Enemies 4.2 Items 4.2.1 Starting inventory 5 Locker codes 6 Secrets 7 Trivia Go through the door at the top. Quickly work across the catwalk and cycle each of the three vents. Snag some armor from the shelf and use the health station to mend wounds. Delta Labs Research Facility - Sector 2 South contains the matter transfer division focusing on human experimentation and other biological testing. Continue into the MFS compressor room and battle a group of enemies before finding the storage locker behind the compressor. That way the imp lunges and hits the door jam. You'll hear souls spawn. Cross to the next door. The emails include a code for storage locker #038--the code is 409. Like zombies, the term "soldier" encompasses a lot of enemy types. From early in the game all the way to the last battle, there are imps--many, many imps.